It's special like the special class at school. 3rd rate teachers speaking down to low IQ children who would be happier eating crayons.
New Worldly Translation
JoinedPosts by New Worldly Translation
What's so special about the "Special Assembly Day"?
by Nosferatu ini never could figure this one out.
i get to sit on my ass and have my balls securely fastened to my underwear from sitting too long for only one day instead of two.
was that supposed to be special?.
There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998
by Elsewhere in
there is a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 .
by bob carter .
New Worldly Translation
Interesting article Elsewhere. The trouble is there is so many contradictory viewpoints coming from the scientific community on this it's hard to know what's kosher. It doesn't help that in a lot of the hype in the media and coming from politicians there's very little in way of hard facts and evidence for the hypothesis put forward.
I found the argument that the sun was the cause very convincing. I remember reading the evidence a couple of years back but it never gained wide acceptance. I suppose it wasn't apocalyptic enough.
One good thing to come out of the hype is the driving forward of scientific discoveries in cleaner fuels like high capacity fuel cells and batteries using nanotechnology. Even if gas guzzlers aren't causing global warming the new tech is a good thing anyway.
SUICIDE 'permanent solution to temporary problem'
by DannyHaszard insome positive affirmations:
"there is a (good) life after the watchtower cult"
"well living is the best revenge"
New Worldly Translation
The program on BBC that highlights that example that Danny posted is on BBC3 tonight at 9pm for all you in the UK. It will be interesting to see what's said.
My son won the super heavy weight title
by rekless inwesley walker won the super heavy weight gladiator challenge mixed martial arts championship.
of the world last night.
he beat the champ who weighed 338 pounds.wes is 240. .
New Worldly Translation
Congrats Reckless and to your 2 boys
That's really cool. I've always wanted to get into martial arts. There's a Wing Chun Kung Fu club down my street so I should really join up. I keep meaning to do it.
JW's and "Nick names"
by JH in.
i knew a brother who had a nick name, and when he became a witness, he didn't want to be called by his nickname anymore....he was brother x from now on.
or just use his real name.. imagine going to your hall, and calling someone by his nickname instead.. i'm sure the eldrers would want to talk to you at the end of the meeting.
New Worldly Translation
We had nicknames for everyone. I was always calling people by their nickname by mistake in conversation. I covered it up by saying I hadn't heard what they said properly and that I was talking about something else. Trouble was I only knew a lot of these people by their nicknames and didn't even know what they were called.
Some of the nicks we had were.Sugar Daddy - he was married but had a young fancy woman in the hall
Brass faced lass - cheeky sister
Humperdink - he looked like Engelbert!
Carrot top - she had ginger hair (original eh)
Phillips - he had a head like a phillips light bulb
Fat egg head - a brother whose name sounded similar but my brother misheard it when he was about 2 and used to shout it when the guy got on the platform
Certainly stanley - a guy who started every sentence with the word certainly. I don't think his name was even stanley
Dillan - a brother who I thought looked like a hippy so I called him a hippy name. Ironically when he had a kid he called it Dillan!
Shulamite maiden - a lass who played this part on a drama and was really up herself
Olly Currant Cake - Not even sure where this came from or what his real name was
Puffy Peter - A very effeminate bro
Tarzan - an elderly bro who had tiger stripe chair covers in his car
Poison dwarf - a short sister who had all the gossip (Dallas must have been popular at the time)
Isaiah - a bro who had been in an accident and his eyes were kind of odd and uneven
Fuq yoo - a chinese sister with a similar nameerm, yeah anyway, virtually everybody had a nick. It's what kept me sane.
The GB and the anointed, a strange dodgy relationship
by greendawn inanother recent thread about any disfellowshipped anointed, inspired me to bring up this topic.
has there ever been a case of an anointed getting disfellowshipped for doctrinal disagreements with the gb?
if this did occur then there are some interesting ramifications: are the non gb anointed really equal to the gb anointed?
New Worldly Translation
It's an interesting question Greendawn about the annointed having doctrinal issues with the GB. It's these kind of tangles that make the faithful & discreet slave, disfellowshipping and governing body doctrines ludicrous.
From what I've heard about the GB it's not even 12 or so men making the decision as there has always been since Rutherford one overriding personality drving the org to his own agenda. It's a dictatorship really and this person makes decisions for the GB, who make decisions on behalf of the annointed, who vicariously tell the dubs what to do. It's the ordinary dubs who get it in the neck when they don't obey and are ostracized, the annointed have it a bit easier as no-one can question their heavenly calling and so can't be disfellowshipped in the fullest sense and the GB have the best cut of the deck as they are in the unequivocal position.
Would You Die For Someone If You Knew They Wouldn't Die For You?
by minimus inwould you give up your life for someone if you believed that if the shoe were on the other foot---they wouldn't do it for you??
by DannyHaszard inreceived via email from a supporter,has anyone heard of this watchtower cult development?
{...i just wanted to let you know about some recent and alarming news in the wts.
my sister, who is not baptized yet, has been going to the meetings on a regular basis with my mom, who is full time pioneer.
New Worldly Translation
Thanks heads up on this Danny
If they do make an announcement like this I think it's great news. Every time they make grandiose claims like this they put their head in a noose and when it inevitabley turns out to be false many of the previously loyal rank and file pull the trapdoor N.B. 1914, 25, 75 etc
In the short term it could mean an upturn in fervour culminating at the summer convention but in the longer term there's going to be a lot of disappointed JW's, and not the first time for many.
I'm guessing they've said the preaching work has stopped in 20 countries in that growth has stagnated or gone into decrease. They must be expecting more unfavourable worldwide results to be making statements like this. It's kind of ironic that they're affiliated to the organisation that they say will be the prime mover in this 'great tribulation'.
russel's fasination with pyrmids
by mathead incould russel's pyrimids be really just a symbol for a pyramid scheme?.
it seems the wts is pyramidal in structure with the gb at the top.
the dub publishers are at the bottom.
New Worldly Translation
Well pyramid schemes collapse when the people in them don't get what they were promised. Look what happened in Albania where the whole economy was a big pyramid scheme.
When the JW's finally realise it's a con the whole org will collapse. When will that happen? That's the $million question.
Disfellowshipped anointed
by New Worldly Translation init's not very often my mother brings up jw stuff with me cos she knows my opinion on it.
tonight however she mentioned that she had answered up incorrectly at the book study this week and she wanted to know what my take on it was.. the question was can disfellowshipped anointed ones come back into the org and still claim they are of the anointed?.
my mum said no and i thought no too, but apparently they can or so the group leader said.
New Worldly Translation
This is like asking what the effect of Plaid Kryptonite would be on Superman if he was on the Bizzaro world
Nathan dude, I'm gonna be thinking about that all night now!
Legolas - my grandma doesn't think dinosaurs existed either She reckons scientists make them out of plaster or something and plant them in the ground when no-ones looking and pretend to dig them up.